Saturday, November 14, 2009

Care for jasmine tree?

I jusat brought a jasmine tree I need information about the care of this plant. out door? indoor? amount of water, sunlight, fertilizer and how to prun it. Thanks.

Care for jasmine tree?
where do you live? if you are in the southern states, the jasmine will do fine outside all year long. however any of the states where it gets cold in the winter, it will need to come in the house when fall arrives. it will make a great houseplant all year round no matter where you live. it likes sun to part sun, keep it moist but not wet, and fertilize with an all purpose fertilizer. you can just cut it back when it starts to get too big, no special talent is needing for pruning it. if you want to plant it outside during the summer and then bring it in in the winter, just plant it in the ground, pot and all! when it starts to get cold you can just pull the pot out of the ground. make sure you spray it with an insecticide before you bring it in the house for the winter.

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