Monday, May 17, 2010

I need to know how tall a jasmine tree gets.?

I have a potted jasmine tree about three feet tall with small white flowers. I want to put it in my flower garden and need to know how tall it will get...THANKS!

I need to know how tall a jasmine tree gets.?
Jasmine is more like a shrub whose branches are vines. The vines can grow 15' to 20' long. It will tend to fan out and fall over and not look very tall unless you give it a trellis to grow up. I've grown a pair up and over an arbor that’s 8 foot tall in about three years.

For more info check this web site.
Reply:As tall as your one-storey house.
Reply:THat depends on where you live, some of them are only hardy in zone 9.
Reply:It can be as tall as a coffee tree.

I have one in my grandpa's house

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